Elite Arion Digital B+ rollers and power calibration and track bike

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Elite Arion Digital B+ rollers and power calibration and track bike

Postby krispenhartung » Sat Nov 25, 2017 1:40 am

I've been using these rollers for a few weeks now. I love the fact that there is a smart roller on the market. This is awesome and great for track bikes with rear dropouts, where you want a more realistic riding experience in programs like BKOOL, ZWIFT, TrainerRoad, Virtual Training (Rouvy) , etc.

However, after many attempts to calibrate the trainer using the app, and reprogramming the P1, P2, and P3 values to match the readings of the Stages power meter on my track bike, I'm still unable to get the two power sources aligned. This led me to question rationale behind the power curve of the P1, P2, P3 power values. From what I've read, P1 is supposed to represent moderate intensity climbing, P2 higher intensity climbing, and P3 flat terrain, and so the Elite P1-3 power curve is positively skewed and shaped like a boomerang. I have a hypothesis that this power curve conflicts with a flat terrain track bike use case. I am not doing any climbing routes with these rollers, only flat terrain and mainly the Velodrome simulator in BKOOL, which is total flat, 0% grade. At first glance, the default P1-3 power curve seem to imply, based on the fact that it is linking power values to speeds in P1-3, that both P1 and P2 speeds are lower than P1 speed, yet both P1 and P2 power values are higher than P1, which would entirely contradict the track bike flat terrain scenario. Naturally, if I am warming up on flat terrain at 12mph, my power is going to be lower than when I'm riding 28mph, yet the Elite P1-3 power curve suggests otherwise.

So, based on this hypothesis, should I overwrite the "arc" or "boomerang" positive skewed default P1-3 power curve with a linear power curve, where power and speed increase in a directionally proportionate manner through P1, P2, and P3? Otherwise, what is the Elite trainer doing with my P1 and P2 values when I am warming up on a track at 12mph or 20mph? What is it doing with those factory default P1 and P2 power values that are grossly higher than P1 power values?


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Elite Admin S
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Re: Elite Arion Digital B+ rollers and power calibration and track bike

Postby Elite Admin S » Fri Dec 15, 2017 11:12 am


I've seen that you're already in contact with our customer care.
Did you try the solution that the customer care has suggested?


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