Osymetrics/oval chainrings and powermeter in Directo Xr

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Osymetrics/oval chainrings and powermeter in Directo Xr

Postby maltetherkildsen » Sun Sep 12, 2021 3:45 pm


Does anybody know if the powermeter in the directo xr model is affected by oval/osymetrics chainrings?

Most powermeter are affected in their measurement.. But unsure if this also is the case with the directo xr?

Because if it is, i am thinking about buying a suito instead! (if the power accuracy isent accurate no matter what)

I really apreciate any thoughts!

All the best Malte

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Re: Osymetrics/oval chainrings and powermeter in Directo Xr

Postby Elite Admin S » Mon Sep 13, 2021 8:46 am

Hi Malte

It may be a problem for the power sensors that measure power on the crank.
But Direto XR measures the torque on the hub, so the oval chainrings won't be a problem.

The only problem you may have is on cadence.
In fact, Direto XR uses a sensorless cadence algorithm which calculates cadence basing on microvariations that appears on speed when you give a pedal stroke. With oval chainrings, the shape of these variations may be different and this can make the algorithm fail (maybe not, but it's a possibility).
In this case you will solve this problem simply adding an external cadence sensor.


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