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Tips for mainenance and lubrication of Qubo Fluid +

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2018 4:52 pm
Hi, I have a Qubo fluid trainer, which is about 3 years old. It rarely gets used except on rainy days. (I live in California). I probably have less than 1000 miles (1609 km) on it.

Lately, when I ride it, the tire is making lots of noise of course, and different tires make different sounds. But they get louder and softer sometimes, which makes me think theres something mechanical wearing out with the trainer itself.

I no longer have the manual, and cannot find it online, even on the Elite site.

I want to lubricate it, because I think its making too much noise.
What I am trying is to turn it on its side and add some oil on the spindle that takes all the pressure - however, I suspect there is a better way of doing this. (like a spot to add oil, or a way to remove the spindle for greasing).

Why is there NO troubleshooting quide for products somewhere on your website?
(I guess they're so well made they never have problems! :lol: ?)

PS I don't want to take the whole thing apart and put it together again. Time is money, and less time riding. Wondering if I should buy a new trainer. Maybe next time I'll upgrade to a Wahoo.) :o

Any and all help and tips on Maintenance are appreciated. 8-)

Re: Tips for mainenance and lubrication of Qubo Fluid +

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2019 1:28 pm
by Elite Admin S
Contact our customer care to evaluate the cause of the noise
